We are one but we are many in the wonderful country called Australia.
Celebrating with love and hope, https://www.facebook.com/aquaqueen.mobi/Happy Australia Day!

We are one but we are many in the wonderful country called Australia.
Celebrating with love and hope, https://www.facebook.com/aquaqueen.mobi/Happy Australia Day!
Most of everyone in America reckons it's good riddance for 2024 and can't wait to drop the Ball in Time Square ... testing, Houston??!!
If you have been following #aquaqueen on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aquaqueen.info/photos/ , or better still, if you have booked to be on an AQUAQUEEN organised ocean sailing tour, you will have witnessed the start of the 2024 Sydney To Hobart Yacht Race in Sydney and be making your way to the race destination ceremony being held in the Constitution Dock in Tasmania (pictured here).